Cup Competitions

Details of Cup Competitions and rules.

Cup Competition Rules and Notes

All cup competitions in the OYFL are seeded depending on the ability of teams to give everyone a chance of playing against teams of similar ability, and are divided into separate competitions at each age group, depending on the number of teams. Cups for Under 7-Under 11 are classed are trophy events , where scores are not published. Scheduled dates for rounds of cup competitions have been circulated to clubs at the start of the season but may be subject to change for various reasons such as County Cup commitments, postponements. The League Fixtures Secretary will advise on new dates as appropriate.

Matches will be played under the same rules as all other League matches, with the following additions:

  • If score level after normal time, extra time will be played (see table below for details).
  • If score level after extra time, teams will take a set number of penalties each and then, if required, sudden death (see table below for details).
  • Players can play for only one team in a cup competition. Teams should check player registrations to ensure players are not cup-tied [Rule 8.(P)].
  • Any team found to have played an ineligible player in a cup match will be removed from the competition and fined, and the match awarded to the opposition [Rule 8.(N)(iv)]
  • Fee for an appointed referee is now shared 50/50 between both clubs for cup matches.
  • Finals will be held at a central venue (to be advised) and the League will pay for three match officials to officiate on each Final.
  • Winners and Runners-Up will receive an award.

U12 Cup, Trophy, Shield 2 x 30 minutes 2 x 5 minutes 5 £30.00
U13 Cup, Trophy 2 x 35 minutes 2 x 10 minutes 5 £35.00
U14 Cup, Trophy 2 x 35 minutes 2 x 10 minutes 5 £35.00
U15 Cup, Trophy 2 x 40 minutes 2 x 10 minutes 5 £40.00
U16 Cup, Trophy 2 x 40 minutes 2 x 10 minutes 5 £40.00
U17 Cup 2 x 45 minutes 2 x 15 minutes 5 £45.00
U21 Cup 2 x 45 minutes 2 x 15 minutes 5 £45.00
(1) Penalties can be taken by anyone in the match day squad. Once penalties have started, goalkeepers can be changed only due to injury.
(2) Referee fee for cup matches shared 50/50 between both teams. Cup Final fees will be paid by the League.

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